Climate Change | Worksheets | వాతావరణ మార్పు | 2nd Chapter | EVS | AP Syllabus

Описание к видео Climate Change | Worksheets | వాతావరణ మార్పు | 2nd Chapter | EVS | AP Syllabus

Faculty: ‪@ManjunathAluganti‬
The lesson Climate Change starts with a discussion between Karthik and his father. As they were returning from the market it suddenly rained, it was an unseasonal rain. So what was the cause for this? It is climate change! What is climate? What is climate change? What are the reasons for climate change? And what are the effects of climate change are discussed in the lesson.

With an outdoor activity children understand the amount of plastic waste that is generated. Use of such plastic items in not only harmful for the nature but it affects the humans and animals around us.

The next discussion is about global warming forest fires and deforestation. There is a mention about various movements to conserve nature such as Chipko Movement.

The lesson also discusses about waste segregation and disposal, how biodegradables and non biodegradables are separated. The need of growing kitchen gardens and the avoidance of chemical fertilisers and pesticides was discussed for healthy food. Finally the discussion was on the importance of being eco friendly during the celebration of festivals.

↓ Topic marks🔖

Introduction, what is climate change?
00:17 | Worksheet - 1 / Rewrite
01:19 | Answer the following
20:21 | Look at the following pictures
02:55 | Mind map

Effects of climate change
04:05 | Worksheets - 2 / Rewrite
05:05 | Match the following
05:43 | Multiple Choice
06:51 | Answer the following

Causes of climate change
07:57 | Worksheets - 3 / Rewrite
08:41 | Reasons for climate change
09:42 | Greta Thunberg
10:27 | Answer the following
11:55 | Match the following

Chipko moment, my home, became eco friendly
12:52 | Worksheet - 4 / Rewrite
13:59 | Put ✓ mark
15:09 | Fill in the blanks
16:26 | Multiple choice

Improve your learning
17:22 | Answer the following

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We'll Understand:
• understand the concept of climate change.
• identify the causes for climate change.
• adopt eco-friendly activities in their daily life.
• understand harmful effects of plastic.

We'll Learn:
• The weather conditions such as temperature, rainfall etc., prevailing in an area is
called climate.
• The abnormal variations in the climate is called Climate change.
• Floods, melting of ice, forest fires and drought are the effects and evidences of climate change.
• The temperature of the earth is increasing year by year.

Let the pandemic not stop us from learning and teaching!!

This video is only for teachers and parents. While doing the worksheets and activities please encourage your students to discuss with their co-learners, think and then write their answers.

We are making these education videos to help teachers and parents transact their lessons at their own convenience and pace during the pandemic.

A video lesson can never be an alternative to a wonderful teacher nor an active class. These video lessons are made possible with courtesy of SCERT AP and we extend our sincere gratitude.

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Viewers may kindly note that our videos are systematically organised class wise and subject wise in the playlists. To help the viewers to jump directly to their topic of interest we have included ‘Topic Marks’ in the respective descriptions. We have also provided a link to a clickable PDF which contains the contents class wise and subject wise. The viewers may choose any lesson from the PDF and click on it. The playlists and the clickable PDF will be updated as on when new videos are uploaded.


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