Remnant from the Ashes: Build guide - Drifter builds vs Erfor, Gorefist & Stormcaller, apocalypse

Описание к видео Remnant from the Ashes: Build guide - Drifter builds vs Erfor, Gorefist & Stormcaller, apocalypse

Build 1:
Drifter set
Magnum - corrosive aura
Hunting rifle - hotshot
Onyx pendulum
Empowering loop / burden of the gambler
Provisioner ring

Drifter gives a nice solid 25% damage increase which is relatively easy to keep active. Since drifter only buffs ranged an melee damage, it is best to support this by using utility mods as opposed to damage mods. In this case, we are using corrosive aura which buffs all of our damage by 25% and hotshot, which buffs our damage by 15% while adding a burn DOT. In this build, the trick is to alternate firing between the magnum and hunting rifle. This will do 3 things: Activate the onyx pendulum buff for both guns, mitigate the fire rate nerf from empowering loop and reload our stowed firearm with provisioner ring. Essentially, you shouldn't be reloading often at all. A very cool trick which takes time to learn but when mastered, is very effective. As always, use burden of the gambler against enemies with no weakspots.

Build 2:
Drifter set
Sawed-off - corrosive aura
Shotgun - hotshot
Scar of the jungle god
Polished whetstone
Akari warband
burden of the gambler / hunter's band / ring of supremacy

The bleed/crit variant. I chose this shotgun style build over my other shotgun style builds that use frostborne, due tothe fact that frostborne take a bit of time to apply frozen. During this time, drifter can potentially lose stacks. In this case, the bleed applied from the claws is very fast to apply and we gain a very generous damage buff from the whetstone. This is a high damaging close quarter build that can deal some serious damage. Use ring of supremacy or hunter's band over burden of the gambler for enemies with weakspots.

Build 3:
Drifter set
Hive cannon
Assualt rifle - hotshot
Heart of darkness
Akari warband
Burden of the gambler / ring of supremacy / hunter's band

A solid mid to long range build. This build also serves as a good dungeon clearer as well. Hive cannon will allow us to apply corrosion from a distance, as well as allowing us to apply the akari warband buff on our own. Since you will be at a distance most of the time, keep track of your drifter stacks in case you are not moving much. Throw out a neutral dodge every now and again to keep the stacks active. Of course do your normal gear swaps for weakspot enemies.

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