TANF, Cash Assistance, and How Work Requirements Effect Poverty Relief

Описание к видео TANF, Cash Assistance, and How Work Requirements Effect Poverty Relief

Last week we talked about different ways to promote work in safety net programs: incentives or carrots, like the Earned Income Tax Credit and disincentives or sticks like work requirements. Policy makers have tried out work requirements in a number of programs, thinking that they might lead to reduced poverty and reduced government spending.

How did that go? Answering that question might inform our current policy arguments, like work requirements for Medicaid. Let’s delve into the research. That’s the topic of this week’s Healthcare Triage.

Resources used in the creation of this video:

National Evaluation of Welfare-to-Work Strategies: https://goo.gl/6p34Ty

TEMPORARY ASSISTANCE FOR NEEDY FAMILIES: Fewer Eligible Families Have Received Cash Assistance Since the 1990s, and the Recession's Impact on Caseloads Varies by State: https://goo.gl/mqxj4K

Mental disorders and medical comorbidity: https://goo.gl/U9WfFs

Employment barriers for persons with psychiatric disabilities: update of a report for the President's Commission: https://goo.gl/u9v8nz

Conducting In-Depth Assessments: https://goo.gl/VYVwgX

Disconnected Welfare Leavers Face Serious Risks: https://goo.gl/rTCtRD


Aaron has a book out now! It’s called The Bad Food Bible: How and Why to Eat Sinfully. You can order a copy now!!!

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John Green -- Executive Producer
Stan Muller -- Director, Producer
Aaron Carroll -- Writer
Mark Olsen – Graphics
Meredith Danko – Social Media

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