Woodturning tip 6 Turning Clockwise (turning in reverse)

Описание к видео Woodturning tip 6 Turning Clockwise (turning in reverse)

In this video, Ronald shows when and why it can be useful to turn the lathe in the other direction!
The gouge used is a 13 mm bowl gouge. The "wings" are grounded at a 45 degree angle and the sharpening angle is just under 45 degrees. Give it a try! Make sure that the chuck is secured, so that it cannot unscrew...

About Ronald Kanne

Ronald is a wood turner in the Netherlands. He makes commissioned work and his own free work. And every week turns out to be a little too short to get all the work done... He also runs a webshop for other wood turners. It's called: www.dehoutdraaierij.nl. This webshop is in Dutch, English and German. The website that contains his own work is called www.ronaldkanne.nl. You will also find these links in the video.
If you want to find out more about Ronald watch this portret:
   • Ronald Kanne een portret  


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