Intro to KG Class 幼儿园课程介绍

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Join us in our KG classroom with Ms. Lucinda at AXIS to see how we ensure that fun and rigorous learning is happening at the same time. We strive to create a fun and engaging learning environment for our students and follow the IB PYP curriculum, focusing on inquisitiveness, creativity, and confidence-building. We also provide structured daily programs and unique learning experiences. Come and join us to see how we make it difference and discover how we make learning enjoyable and meaningful for our young learners!

欢迎与Ms. Lucinda一起加入我们的幼儿园课堂,了解我们是如何让快乐和学习过程同步发生。我们努力创造一个快乐并且让孩子充分参与的学习环境,并且遵循IB PYP课程,关注孩子们的求知欲、创造力以及自信心的建立。我们同时提供结构化的日常课程以及特别的学习体验。快来加入我们,了解我们课堂的特别之处,发现我们是如何让孩子们的学习成为充满欢乐又具有意义的体验吧!


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