Did Muhammad Exist?: An Academic Response to a Popular Question - Dr. Joshua Little

Описание к видео Did Muhammad Exist?: An Academic Response to a Popular Question - Dr. Joshua Little

coming soon...
4:06 - Introduction
17:00 - Part 1: The Sources for Muhammad
20:14 - Part 2: Problems with Biographical Hadith
21:28 - Problem 1: Prior Probability of Fabrication
25:32 - Problem 2: Reports of Fabrication
26:28 - Problem 3: The Lateness of the Sources
29:39 - Problem 4: Bias
35:40 - Problem 5: Propaganda
38:33 - Problem 6: Anachronisms
46:45 - Problem 7: Supernatural
49:54 - Problem 8: Implausible Scenarios
55:14 - Problem 9: Internal Contradictions
55:57 - Problem 10: External Contradictions
57:25 - Problem 11: Implausible Transmission
1:02:28 - Problem 12: The Lateness of Isnads
1:09:08 - Problem 13: The Madinan Bottleneck
1:13:00 - Problem 14: The Mode of Transmission
1:13:41 - Problem 15: The Growth of Material
1:14:38 - Problem 16: Early Rapid Distortion
1:18:49 - Problem 17: Artificial Narrative Structures
1:23:30 - Problem 18: Storyteller Construction
1:25:11 - Problem 19: Exegesis in Disguise
1:27:09 - Problem 20: Amnesia and Discontinuity
1:30:28 - Problem 21: No Effective Countermeasures
1:36:43 - Summary
1:37:37 - Part 3: The Rise of Muhammad Mythicism
1:41:30 - Consequent Skepticism
1:44:21 - Consequent Mythicism
1:46:27 - Crone and Cook: Revisionist but not Mythicist
1:49:11 - The Western Mythicist Tradition
1:52:57 - Nevo and Koren
1:53:35 - Ohlig et al.
1:54:00 - Jansen
1:54:45 - Robert Spencer
1:57:33 - Part 4: The Arguments for Muhammad Mythicism
1:57:38 - Argument 1: Argument from Silence
1:58:32 - Argument 2: “Muhammad” = Jesus
2:00:37 - Argument 3: Mythic Biography
2:02:20 - Summary
2:02:30 - Part 5: Criticisms of Muhammad Mythicism, Part 1: The Worst-Case Scenario
2:02:38 - For the Sake of Argument...
2:05:16 - Counter 1: Pan-Islamic Agreement
2:10:00 - Counter 2: Trans-Sectarian Agreement
2:13:31 - Counter 3: Inexpedient Agreement
2:15:47 - Counter 4: Non-Mythic Biography
2:20:32 - Counter 5: Silence ≠ Non-Existence
2:25:49 - Counter 6: “Muhammad” ≠ “Chosen One”
2:31:33 - Counter 7: “Muhammad” is a Proper Name
2:35:48 - Counter 8: No Jesus Connection
2:39:15 - Counter 9: Silence ≠ Non-Existence Again
2:43:00 - Summary of Worst-Case Scenario
2:45:30 - Part 6: Criticisms of Muhammad Mythicism, Part 2: The More Optimistic Scenario
2:45:55 - Counter 10: Early Common Links
2:47:17 - Counter 11: The Constitution of Madinah
2:49:00 - Counter 12: The Quran
2:52:26 - Counter 13: Non-Muslim Writings
2:58:52 - Thomas the Presbyter (c. 640 CE)
3:00:09 - The Chronicler of Khuzistan (c. 660 CE)
3:00:53 - Pseudo-Sebeos (c. 660s CE)
3:03:44 - Counter 14: The Reliability of Genealogy
3:06:08 - Summary of More Optimistic Scenario
3:07:37 - Part 7: Some Comments on Mythicist Methodology
3:07:43 - The Mythicist Strategy
3:09:40 - Explanations that create more problems than they solve
3:10:34 - Unnecessary Contradictions
3:12:25 - Conclusion
3:13:00 - Questions


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