Megadeth - Tornado of Souls solo by Hubert Więcek

Описание к видео Megadeth - Tornado of Souls solo by Hubert Więcek

Okay, so this is the last guitar upload for this year.
I promised to do the Rust in Peace till the end of the year, but this will have to wait for the nearest future in 2024.
But today I was noodling on the brand new Ibanez RGA622HX that I've got for some testing and I started to jam the song and it went surprisingly too good, so here it is!
I'VE FINALLY LEARNED AND RECORDED THE ULTIMATE GUITAR SOLO OF METAL. After almost 25 years of playing, hahaha. Man I am so happy hahahah. The tone is ‪@Bogren.Digital‬ MLC Amps subzero100 with just a slight of reverb 😎
Wishing y'all all the best and have a lovely end of the year!
Ibanez Polska
#hubertwiecek #tornadoofsouls #megadeth #martyfriedman #ibanez #ibanezrga622hx


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