Play the Ps4 even with a broken HDMI port

Описание к видео Play the Ps4 even with a broken HDMI port

Okay guys I decided to make a video about how you can play the PS4 on your TV even with a broken HDMI port, now I've looked at several videos about how to fix the HDMI port and I've tried several them I tried cleaning the HDMI port I tried to clean the HDMI cable change the HDMI cable cycle through my TV and puts launch it in safe mode basically everything I could think of and none of it worked so I decided to hook up my PS Vita and play it that way and I did that for a couple of days while I was still looking for videos on how to repair the HDMI port myself so I was looking through all of my stuff and I happened to come across a box of my gaming stuff and I pulled out the device called a PS TV and this is basically a better version of the PS Vita since you can use the PS3 or PS4 controller with this and you can play PS Vita games on it you can also link up with your PS4 and your PS3 now I had totally forgotten about this when I bought it over two or three years ago when it first come out wasn't very popular and I bought it on a bargain sale because I was buying accessories for my PS4 and I saw that it said he could play PS Vita games and I didn't own a Vita the time they were still very new and we're like $400 where this was just $50 from Japan anyway I just made a quick video to show you guys that it could be linked up just like a PS Vita and it displays on your TV the video isn't very good quality and it's very shorts I ran out of space on my phone which is just a cheap TracFone so sorry for the video quality but hopefully this will let people know that there's Alternatives besides just trying to hook up a laptop or using the little screen on the PS Vita


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