Philipsburg Pennsylvania Has The Longest Commute Times In USA

Описание к видео Philipsburg Pennsylvania Has The Longest Commute Times In USA

Despite being a small town of a few thousand people, the roads are so horribly laid out the average commute time here rivals places like New York City or Los Angeles. The confusion in the roads here has lead to high incomes for the locals who make a killin charging hourly rates just to drive a few blocks away. While the confusion has lead to inflation and high incomes some locals are faced with daunting issues going across the street for their groceries for example. The town’s population is shrinking as the residents are unable to deal with the commute time to good paying jobs just a few blocks away. The town recently closed a bridge, which was the only escape route to lost tourist going on road trips after visiting NYC. We tried to reach the towns mayor but he was stuck in a traffic jam. We ran into the most complicated road system of any town in USA. Local theory claims that the towns grid pattern is so confusing if an invading army were to enter the town, it would take them 2:30 hours to find their away to the downtown area, buying the locals enough time to be a few blocks away before the town could be taken. Other legends proclaim that the reason the roads are so confusing is to create good paying jobs for the locals. Whatever the reason, the town is confusing at best. A person that lives right outside of town claims that while jobs here pay better. She drives to nearby Toledo Ohio for a reduced commute time.


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