Anatomy of the Uterus, Dr Adel Bondok Making Anatomy Easy

Описание к видео Anatomy of the Uterus, Dr Adel Bondok Making Anatomy Easy

Dr Adel Bondok Anatomy Teaching Videos. The video describes the anatomy of the uterus and covers the following points:
@ Parts of the uterus.
@ Layers of the wall of the uterus.
@ Normal position.
@ Peritoneal covering.
@ Relations: anterior, posterior and sides.
@ Blood supply.
@ Abdominal examination of the pregnant uterus to calculate the duration of pregnancy.
@ Radiological examination.

NOTE: the angle of anteflexion is 170 when the urinary bladder is full. When the urinary bladder is empty, the weight of the intestine makes pressure on the body of the uterus decreasing the anteflexion angle to 120 - 125.


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