Put aside your wii hdmi adpater,lets learn how to solder a built-in hdmi kit!

Описание к видео Put aside your wii hdmi adpater,lets learn how to solder a built-in hdmi kit!

Bitfunx WIIHDMI Board Kit V0.4 for Nintendo Wii Line Doubler 480P 576p(https://www.aliexpress.us/item/325680...)
Wii HDMI mod is a high-definition digital signal output module based on the GC video project,provides a clean digital to digital HDMI output to the Wii. It supports all of the native output resolutions of the Wii, as well as line doubled 240p and deinterlaced 480i. The Wii HDMI's menus can be controlled using a GameCube controller plugged into controller port 1, or it can also be controlled using an infrared remote. It is currently the best HDMI video processing solution for Wii consoles.


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