Rotten XIII - Deus VS Femina

Описание к видео Rotten XIII - Deus VS Femina

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ROTTEN XIII - Larraga, Tafalla (Basque Country)

"Deus VS Femina" abestia Rotten Amairu-ren "Oi! Baldorba" lehen diskatik hartuta.

Canción "Deus VS Femina" de Rotten Amairu tomada de su primer disco "Oi! Baldorba".

"Deus VS Femina" song taken from Rotten Amairu's debut album "Oi! Baldorba".

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Dios no me dio la vida, me la dio una mujer
y creo más en ella que en lo que me cuentan de él.
Metieron a la parrilla la costilla de Adán
y pusieron a la hembra en segundo lugar,
ella se comió la fruta prohibida
y nos vino a condenar.

Siempre fue ella la bruja, la novia de Satán,
que aunque fuese violada no debía abortar.
Si el papa fuera tía y el cura también,
tal vez me plantearía mi falta de fe.
Por el “pater et filii, et spiritus sancti”
¿Y la mater qué? ¿Y la mater qué?

Deus vs femina
Ésta es la realidad
que dicta su santidad,
Deus vs femina.

Respeta como buen musulmán la palabra del Imán,
si tu mujer te engaña, tú mismo la puedes matar.
Ponle un velo en la cabeza
o un burka tal vez,
no se notarán las ostias
que le diste ayer;
si no, enciérrala en tu casa
junto a tu otra mujer.

En toda gran religión
siempre domina el varón,
Él tiene la palabra de Dios,
Él tiene la razón.

Deus vs femina
Ésta es la realidad
que dicta su santidad,
Deus vs femina.


God did not give me life, a woman gave it to me
and I believe more in her than in what they tell me about him.
They put the rib of Adam on the grill
and placed the female in second place,
she ate the forbidden fruit
and condemned all of us.

She was always the witch, the girlfriend of Satan,
and although she was violated she must not abort.
If the pope were an woman and the priest too,
perhaps I would consider my lack of faith.
For the "pater et filii, et spiritus sancti"
And what about the "mater"? what about the "mater"?

Nananana ...
Deus vs. Femina
This is the reality
which dictates his holiness,
Deus vs. Femina

Respecting as a good Muslim the word of the Imam,
if your wife deceives you, you can kill her yourself.
Put a veil on the head
or maybe a burqa,
you will not notice the slaps
that you gave her yesterday;
or lock her in your house
with your other wife.

In every great religion
always dominates the male,
he has the word of God,
he has got the Reason.

Nananana ...
Deus vs. Femina
This is the reality
which dictates his holiness,
Deus vs. Femina


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