Morning Garden Check: Chives, Basil, Pak Choy, and More!

Описание к видео Morning Garden Check: Chives, Basil, Pak Choy, and More!

Welcome to a quick morning update on our little starter table! 🌞

We’ve got a variety of plants thriving, all starting from seeds, store-bought pots and kitchen scraps:

From store bought pots:

Chives: Originally from one supermarket pot, split into seven smaller bundles. Ready for another split soon, turning seven into 10 or 12 bundles.
Basil: Also from one store-bought pot, now split into six thriving plants.
Thyme: One pot split into four, starting to bounce back after the split.
Parsley: Ready for another split after starting from one plant.

Pro tip: Don't leave them in the store pot, split them up!

From scraps:
Pak Choy: Growing from the cut ends used for dinner last week. In just 4-5 days, they’re sprouting new leaves.
Potatoes: Planted from potatoes with sprouting eyes.

In the seedling trays:

Baby Corn and French Beans: Starting strong.
Peppers: No signs of life yet.
Pak Choy and Carrots: Coming along well.
Peas and Beetroot: Slower growing, but doing fine.
Lettuce and Zucchini: Especially the zucchini, looking great at 1.5 to 2 weeks old and ready for bigger pots.
All these plants will soon move to our allotment, despite the late start this season. Stay tuned for more updates on our gardening journey!

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#Gardening #UrbanFarming #HomeGarden #DIYGarden #Chives #Basil #PakChoy #Thyme #Potatoes #Parsley #Seedlings #Zucchini #Allotment #GardenUpdate


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