IELTS writing: It is important for people to take risks; advantages vs disadvantages

Описание к видео IELTS writing: It is important for people to take risks; advantages vs disadvantages

In the third episode of IELTS writing podcast my friend, Mehid, and I wrote our sample answer for the first question of Cambridge 17

My sample answer:
It is suggested to be a risk taker not only in your life but also in work. It appears to me that although taking risks can jeopardize your stability, it can open the door for more opportunities and growth.

On the downside, people's stability both in their lives and work can be at stake. When it comes to people's personal life, going out of their comfort zone seems to cause an imbalance or even fear. This may lead to anxiety and higher stress level, which may hinder their progress in life. In the same sense, taking new steps in your career does not necessarily guarantee a more prosperous future. The risk of losing your livelihood, financial security and going bankrupt may discourage some people to be open to risks, and instead, they tend to prioritize maintaining their current situations over trying unexplored plans.

On the plus side, however, it is only with risk-taking that people can show their maximum potential and abilities. Despite the fear of losing your security, risks will push you to the limits to make the most of your abilities, which might not emerge in a safe and secure environment. The personal growth, as well as more occupational prospects resulting from escaping the current ways of life and work, can justify seizing new opportunities and leaving your comfort zone. By way of example, many successful people could not have achieved their success if they had been satisfied with life without attempting to experience new areas.

In the final analysis, the consequence of losing your stable work and life may act as a deterrence for some people to take risks. Nevertheless, I believe that the positives it can bring about to move up the ladder of success can justify the drawbacks.

Mehdi's sample answer:
It is often argued that taking risks is of paramount importance for people, whether it occurs in their professional or personal lives. It seems to me that there are more pros than cons when it comes to taking risks as shown here in this essay. (45)
Taking risks mean disrupting the status quo. Should you take an uncalculated risk in your profession, you may do an irreparable damage to your career: a blow so huge that it might take years to recover from. Take a simple office worker, for instance, who, without analyzing all the aspects thoroughly, and only by seeing the extravagant and lavish lifestyle of a handful of successful influencers, quit his stable job. His new freelance business might not take off and with inadequate savings, he may end up homeless in a few months. The same argument can be made for your personal life. Picture someone married, with children, living his life. If he sees a pretty girl and thinks that he is in love and abandon his family to chase his dream girl, not only does he ruin his family’s life, but also there is no guarantee that he will live with his new wife happily ever after. (156)
Risk taking, on the other hand, is in human nature and is inextricably intertwined with our DNA. Getting stuck with the monotony of everyday routines is everyone’s nightmare, leading to mid-life crisis in many. The temptation of being your own boss is always in the back of your mind. Taking a leap of faith to the unknown and embracing challenges, and stepping out of your comfort zone and into uncharted territories is what brings about professional success. Taking risk is also of paramount importance when it comes to your personal life. Imagine you like someone; if out of the fear of rejection you do not express your feelings for her, you may regret it for the rest of your life. However, if you overcome that initial inhibition, this love could be reciprocated and with this spark, you may end up finding your soulmate. (143)
Overall, it seems that the merits of taking risks in professional and personal life far outweigh the demerits as long as all aspects of the situation are considered and taken into account. A risk free life is dull and is not worth living. (43)

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