Dodge, Burn & Sponge Tools in Photoshop Training Tutorial - Class 22 - Hindi / Urdu

Описание к видео Dodge, Burn & Sponge Tools in Photoshop Training Tutorial - Class 22 - Hindi / Urdu

Hello Everyone. This is class 22 of of Adobe Photoshop for Beginners series. In this class you will learn about 3 tools that are: Dodge tool, Burn tool and Sponge Tool. So Dodge tool is useful for creating highlights, Burn tool is for creating shadows and with the help of Sponge Tool we can saturate or desaturate any part of our image.
My name is Istakar Husain, You can call me Husain Sir, and I am an Animation Specialist. I've started this training for anyone who wants to learn Graphic Designing for FREE in a professional way.
#Photoshop #HusainSir #Burn


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