P99 everquest rogue backstab while in solo combat

Описание к видео P99 everquest rogue backstab while in solo combat

Purpose of this video is to show new rogues in classsic P99 everquest how to backstab while in solo combat. I didn't learn this was possible until my 40's and couldn't find anything else out on youtube describing how to do this.

Some might argue turning auto attack off during combat isn't worth doing this, I'm not here to argue that point. I simply want to show it is possible to backstab while in solo combat. I'll leave it up to you to decide when this might be necessary to use in combat.

For me personally it has saved me a few times when low on HP. Figure I've got 1 chance to backstab this guy or I'm toast.

Anyways hope you enjoy, let me know if you have any questions or comments, this is my first video so don't be too cruel.


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