My Son’s Machine Shop - Shop Tour

Описание к видео My Son’s Machine Shop - Shop Tour

Walter's site
Charger Wall Mount
Good morning all!
Over the years I’ve been asked how do you get your children interested in making stuff.
The answer is, I don’t know. One thing I did do though, was to require my son help out on projects around the house and yard. These projects helped my sons build an understanding of tools and a sense of accomplishment when working on and finishing a project. That being said, I really didn’t expect any of them to get into the manufacturing business. It wasn’t until my son Walter’s junior year in college that he started to use my shop to build things. Shortly after graduating college, Walter went to work for a high-end furniture Company writing the programs for CNC fabrication.
About a year ago, he decided that working with metal was more of his alley and started a machining business with a friend. Here’s the story of his journey into starting a small business.
Thanks for watching, Jon
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