Political Plants - Art, Design, and Plant Sentience | Plant Consciousness Commentary

Описание к видео Political Plants - Art, Design, and Plant Sentience | Plant Consciousness Commentary

In "Political Plants: Art, Design, and Plant Sentience," Sria Chatterjee delves into how the visual and spatial representation of plant sentience has been depicted in art. The essay discusses collaborations between plant scientists and artists, such as the early 20th-century partnership between Indian biophysicist Jadagish Chandra Bose and artist Gaganendranath Tagore, and contemporary work between Italian plant scientist Stefano Mancuso and German artist Carsten Höller.

The essay emphasizes the need to critically engage with the political dimensions of plant-human interactions and challenges the assumption that destabilizing human-nonhuman binaries inherently promotes environmental justice. By examining these artistic projects, it counters the notion that artistic production is automatically aligned with multispecies justice.

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