Jinnat ki Haqiqat | The Scientific Explanation of Jinns | Pervez Hoodbhoy

Описание к видео Jinnat ki Haqiqat | The Scientific Explanation of Jinns | Pervez Hoodbhoy

If you believe in ghosts, you are far from alone. Cultures all around the world believe in spirits that survive death to live in another realm. Jinnat has been part of our folklore and our culture for a long time. And these ideas and abstract creatures have been exploited by many people who claim to have the cure and understand them.

In Islamic mythology, Jinn, or djinn, are supernatural creatures made of smokeless fire. They are frequently found in Islamic folklore and are mentioned in the Quran, the religious text of Islam. Historically, they are portrayed as menacing creatures that can harm humans, or drive them mad. People in Muslim societies have traditionally seen jinn as the cause of mental illness and neurological diseases, especially epilepsy.

Jinns are terrifying fiery creatures for many people. For others, including certain so-called scientists and engineers, they are worthy subjects of study. But what does real science say? The conclusion may surprise you.
#PervezHoodbhoy #SciencAndJinns


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