Описание к видео DUKE NUKEM 3D KICKASS EDITION Mod All Weapons Showcase

Kickass Edition Duke Nukem 3D mod made by RichardStorm is a really interesting gameplay expansion where player has access to the way bigger arsenal of weapons than before - first off, we finally have a Golden Desert Eagle. Some of the cut content like the Sonic Resonator or Laser Chainsaw had been reintroduced to the game, especially the first one is fun to use because it turns monsters into projectiles. The content cut from the Alpha/Lameduke/Beta era had been restored like the Plasma Cannon or Flamethrower. You can also use the typical Alien weapons dropped by the enemies like the massive Battlelord's Chaingun, prosthetic chaingun's used by Enforcers, THAT STRANGE ROCKET LAUNCHER OF ASSAULT COMMANDER or Lizard Trooper's Alien Blaster. This gameplay modification gives you also a possibility to use the different ammo types or firemodes like Nuclear Missiles.

00:00 - Melee
00:12 - Glock
00:25 - Golden Desert Eagle
00:48 - Smith & Wesson
01:05 - H&K MP5K
01:30 - Alien Blaster
01:55 - Pump-Action Shotgun
02:50 - Riot Gun
03:20 - Alien Laser Rifle
03:50 - Combat Service Rifle
04:10 - Sniper Rifle
04:38 - Ripper Cannon
05:02 - Enforcer's Chaingun
05:25 - Battlelord's Chaingun
05:54 - Assault Rifle
06:35 - Multirole Rocket Launcher
07:42 - Grenade Launcher
08:28 - Alien Rocket Launcher
08:55 - Bio Launcher
09:20 - Devastator (not any longer can kill bosses immediately ;_;)
09:55 - Pipebombs
10:25 - Mortar Grenade
10:40 - Shrinker
11:17 - Dark Plasma Rifle
11:48 - Sonic Resonator
12:24 - Plasma Cannon
13:05 - BFG
13:48 - Caterkillar Platform
14:30 - Spider Mines
14:50 - Laser Mines

My Discord -   / discord  
Kickass Duke Nukem 3D - https://www.moddb.com/mods/kickass-duke
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