Non Motor Symptoms of PD, Dr Lynn Stuck

Описание к видео Non Motor Symptoms of PD, Dr Lynn Stuck

APDA Iowa Parkinson's Conference held on June 17, 2022
Non-Motor Symptoms of PD
Lynn Struck, MD , Neurology Movement Specialist, Unity Point,
APDA Iowa Medical Director

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is generally thought of as a disease that only involves movement. But in addition to motor symptoms such as slowness of movement, tremors, stiffness, and postural instability, most people develop other health problems related to Parkinson's. These symptoms are diverse and collectively known as non-motor symptoms.
While family and friends may not be able to see these symptoms, it is important to realize that non-motor symptoms are common and can be more troublesome and disabling than motor symptoms. Dr. Struck will discuss possible non-motor symptoms that can occur in Parkinson’s disease and treatment options.


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