Little Nightmares Rewind AU animatic

Описание к видео Little Nightmares Rewind AU animatic

Edit - Midquel video:    • Little Nightmares Rewind AU - Midquel...  
Some of the timing got messed up -_-
Wow, this was a LOT of work to make and pretty tricky but it should look good regardless.

My best explanation on why Six dropped Mono is worth checking out because I used not only the David Mervik interview, but Tweets from the official LN Twitter too, which none of the theorists on YouTube did. As well as some logic that few people considered (plus the devs' answer on why she ate the Nome instead of the sausage)
On Reddit:
On Tumblr:

Also here's a post I made on the tragic story of Six (which is a subject that the fandom has slept on for too long):

Some time ago Hezu made an AU where Mono meets Runaway Kid and they go through the events of the DLCs and ultimately escape the Maw together. It’s nice that the boys got a happy ending but I absolutely hate the sucky ending that Six got in it, yes hate it with a passion (and Hezu’s explanation did nothing to help that and only made me hate it even more), so I fixed it. Not only fix Six’s ending, but also change the fate of someone who didn’t appear in ‘Channel change’ at all (Hezu DOES know about VLN and has made fanart of it before).
I asked Hezu for permission to make this and she said yes, proof:

The Signal Tower is obviously not a happy bunny about Mono escaping, but it is not yet beaten while there is still a pawn on the board: Six.

It plans to send an oblivious Six back in time to meet Mono slightly differently so that it may restart the loop, but without Mono it doesn't have full control on where it sends her so Six ends up being sent even further back in time than the Tower intended and she was able to change the outcome of an event that affected her greatly, and is able to share her freedom with her new friend. With BOTH of its loop pawns now out of its reach and having used the rest of its power, the Signal Tower finally falls.

For some reason Hezu spared the Tower in 'Channel change', I however unspared it. As well as her cracking the eye clock, and me shattering it.


Let me explain the time travel rules I used for this: I’m not going for the ‘butterfly effect’ trope, as that leads to a whole other can of worms like ‘since RCG never died, then this Six would be erased and never manage to save RCG in the first place’ basically the whole ‘grandfather paradox’. So instead, I’m going the same route that Avengers: Endgame took and make it so that changing the past doesn’t erase the present/future, but instead it creates a new timeline. That way the events of the past are altered for Six, but she doesn’t disappear, nor does it then erase Mono and RK’s happy ending.

As for the VLN version of Six not showing up, in this comic’s rules of time travel, when someone is transported to the past to alter an event that involved them the first time, and they will and do succeed in changing the outcome of the event, the past version of themselves will disappear the instant that the present/future version of themselves show up, allowing the version who came back in time to replace their past selves. If the one who went back in time fails to change the outcome of the past, then both their past and present selves remain, which is why neither Mono or Thin Man disappear because their actions cause the outcome of the past to stay the same, thus they both remain. Here however, the Six who came back to the past already knows what will happen and therefore will be able to change the outcome, causing her VLN self to wink out of existence the second she arrived back at the Nest.

That way, there won’t be two versions of the same person in the same time period to cause distortion to time. That, and I want to avoid having two Sixes in this comic.

TL;DR: Future selves of people who succeed in altering a past event replace their past selves, to avoid having two Sixes in this comic. And time travel is an absolute b*tch to write.


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