The Nazi Unit Who Were so Awful Even the Nazi SS Were Disgusted by Them

Описание к видео The Nazi Unit Who Were so Awful Even the Nazi SS Were Disgusted by Them

The SS-Sturmbrigade Dirlewanger, better known to historians as simply the Dirlewanger Brigade, holds the dubious distinction of being amongst the most reviled units of the Nazi war machine. Infamous for its brutality and the open sadism displayed by its commanding officer, a man previously imprisoned for raping a young teen girl, the unit and their actions were so detested that even many among the upper echelons of the Nazi high command itself were disgusted by them. So how did this unit come to be, why were they so particularly brutal, and why were they allowed to continue with their horrific acts that horrified pretty much everyone but themselves?

Authors: Karl Smallwood and Daven Hiskey
Host: Daven Hiskey
Producers: Caden Nielsen and Alexis DeStout


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