Werehog Wiimprovement - SHC2022

Описание к видео Werehog Wiimprovement - SHC2022

My entry for the Sonic Hacking Contest 2022.

A Sonic Unleashed enhancement mod that allows configuring a large number of things using codes. It can remove the obnoxious Werehog Battle music, it can fully switch to Japanese voice acting, it can let you switch between re-colors, stages can have per-act music, you can also adjust the Werehog's upgrades, such as lowering the max HP.

Turn on captions to get more info on changes.


00:00 No more explosive Jazz
01:20 Unused voice acting
02:00 Mini boss can still jam
02:56 Japanese voice acting
03:20 Mini boss can't jam anymore
03:55 From Unleashed to World Adventure
04:30 Moving away from orchestrated music
05:00 JP videos are not on the disc
05:32 Per-act music urges a new BGM
05:40 Music previews
08:15 Daytime changes


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