US Department of Labor Open & Free Online Resources for Career Advisors

Описание к видео US Department of Labor Open & Free Online Resources for Career Advisors

The U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration offers a variety of online career resources and tools that can support career counselors, academic advisors and workforce system professionals to help job seekers explore careers and find employment. Join representatives from the U.S. Department of Labor and CareerOneStop for a tour of some favorite online career sites and learn about some new resources and features.

*CareerOneStop (GetMyFuture, Reentry Portal, Competency Model Clearinghouse)
*O*NET Online (MyNextMove, MiProximo Paso, MyNextMove for Veterans)

Over time, many customized portals have been added that provide specialized information and features for veterans, opportunity youth, returning citizens/ex-offenders, business/employer engagement, sector strategies, and more.

The sites presented in this webinar include resources that are OPEN and FREE to use, download, and share, or even to incorporate in other websites or web-based tools. You will be introduced to toolkits, assessments, guides, curriculum, and materials that support job seekers with diverse needs and backgrounds. Hear examples of how these resources are used and learn how you can make use of them in your own practice.


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