Funny Words with Endless ABC - Educational App For Kids Demo [iOS/Android]

Описание к видео Funny Words with Endless ABC - Educational App For Kids Demo [iOS/Android]

Every day our 'See Before You Buy' videos help thousands of parents and teachers around the world to choose the best educational apps for kids.

In this video we chose difficult and funny sounding words from the Endless ABC (also part of the Endless Learning Academy) educational app for kids.

In the video:

00:00 Beautiful
01:14 Between
02:04 Camouflage
03:06 Because
04:02 Contraption
05:00 Disguise
05:58 Famished
06:50 Garangutan
07:54 Itchy
08:36 Kazoo
09:24 Lopsided
10:15 Minuscule
11:20 Nosey
12:24 Ruckus
13:10 Scrumptious
14:08 Squeegee

Do you want us to review more activities from the Endless Academy Learning app? Or see us play with more words?

Let us know!

Full review, rating and download link for Endless Learning Academy by Originator click here:


Android (Endless Reader app):

About the app:

A set of educational activities designed for preschool and kindergarten children. The activities aim to develop early literacy and numeracy skills, as well as cover other subjects such as time, color, shapes, size/weight, anatomy, family, music, and more.

The activities are fully interactive and feature friendly monsters, which adds an element of fun to the learning process for young children.

Please see our videos for detailed walkthroughs of all activities.

What we liked: the concept. Excellent set of educational activities aimed at younger children. Narration and spoken instructions. Fun monster characters. Visuals and animations matching the age group. No ads or other distracting features. Overall quality of the app.

#endlessreader #preschoollearning #spellinggame

Age range: 2+
Original Appysmarts Score: 96/100
Platform: iPad/iPhone/Android

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