Fate/Grand Order - Osakabehime Voiced Valentine's Scene (English Subbed)

Описание к видео Fate/Grand Order - Osakabehime Voiced Valentine's Scene (English Subbed)


Source of Translation: roadromancer https://pastebin.com/zSaWMnej

Translation note:
[1] The original text here is a pun on the readings of ネクロ (nekuro / necro) and 寝転 (nekoro / to lie down)

This one is a pretty nostalgic video for me. The original version from the 2017 Valentine's was the first video I ever uploaded on here (I just privated it, though).

Translation of the CE:

Chocolate CE:
Well sorry it's plain?

The Valentine's chocolate from Osakabehime.

I thought about a lot, a lot of things.
I really thought about them very hard.
A pickup line that would pierce through the heart, even a sweet whisper that would make one melt, I really puzzled over this.

But, it just ended up sounding like a fib,
thinking that it was too plain,
getting jealous over the chocolates and gifts that other people made,
and the result ended up being like this.

There is nothing more precious than your figure that ate this plain chocolate,
and nothing more precious than the memory of that.


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