most important computer mcqs|top 25 Computer Question|Computer Question

Описание к видео most important computer mcqs|top 25 Computer Question|Computer Question

This is the third video of basic computer/IT MCQs these MCQs are repeated in a different test. Mcqs no 21-75
In this channel, you will learn about NTS OTS PTS CTS KPPSC FPSC test Material World General Knowledge Videos Pakistan study video computer science MCQS video Islamic study videos jobs info, CTS PTS paper pattern & get CTS PTS past paper Solution. After visiting this channel you will be able to prepare for the NTS OTS PTS CTS KPPSC FPSC exam. Keep watching my Channel Please like share video & subscribe My YouTube channel for General knowledge and jobs info
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Playlist Links
Islamic studies Playlist Link    • Islamiat most repeated questions   World
General Knowledge MCQs playlist    • General knowledge 2020  
Pakistan study MCQs playlist    • Pakistan study  
Computer Science Playlist Link    • Computer science/IT MCQS  

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