Lecture 04 Abstract Expressionism & The New York School

Описание к видео Lecture 04 Abstract Expressionism & The New York School

Lecture 04 Abstract Expressionism & The New York School
ARTH3120 Contemporary Art

Travis Lee Clark
Utah Valley University

In this lecture we finally get to the mid-century. Yeah! We describe the group of womanizing drunkard geniuses that make up the New York School and how they turn a bar for longshoremen working stiffs into a mecca for bohemian artists and refugees from Europe. pfft. Hipsters. Amirite? But we get some great art out of it! And Abstract Expressionism takes over the art world and sets the ground for Contemporary art. Also, accidental dad jokes, as always. Enjoy.

Below is the link to the film about Jackson Pollock by Hans Namuth I mentioned.

   • "Jackson Pollock 51" by Hans Namuth (...  


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