Changing behaviours and boosting performance through great diagnosis and holistic design

Описание к видео Changing behaviours and boosting performance through great diagnosis and holistic design

Changing employee behaviour requires much more than just knowledge or skills. Yet many learning interventions don’t even begin to tackle the other factors necessary for behaviour change. In practice, this means that a single course or learning event likely won’t change behaviour and we need to look beyond L&D to achieve impact. The good news is, other disciplines have already figured out many solutions for us.

Join Egle Vinauskaite as she walks you through using the COM-B behaviour change framework for learning and shows how the best practices of marketing, product development and other disciplines can answer L&D’s thorniest questions. This session will cover:

· How to diagnose the component parts of desired behaviour change
· Which capability, opportunity and motivational factors you might be missing
· How other disciplines can help you fill in the gaps· How to use the COM-B framework for high-level programme design

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