4K HDR James walking in Kyoto 京都 伏見稻荷大社 京都車站 22 Pieces Hotel

Описание к видео 4K HDR James walking in Kyoto 京都 伏見稻荷大社 京都車站 22 Pieces Hotel

James 在酷熱的8月去了一趟京都和大阪自由行,第一天到京都已經下午2點多了,能去的景點不多,就去伏見稻荷大社吧,距京都15分鐘車程,逛了一圈真的很漂亮的地方,很有日本文化特色,全國有3萬多個稻荷大社,京都這個是總社,非常大,數不盡的鳥居,很壯觀!

In the scorching heat of August, James took a trip to Kyoto and Osaka. He arrived in Kyoto in the afternoon around 2 PM, so there weren’t many attractions he could visit. He decided to go to Fushimi Inari Taisha, which is just a 15-minute train ride from Kyoto. Exploring the area was truly beautiful and full of Japanese cultural characteristics. There are over 30,000 Inari shrines across the country, and this one in Kyoto is the head shrine. The countless torii gates are spectacular!

0:00 出發至桃機
1:47 搭長榮飛機
2:12 抵達關西機場
3:48 搭HARUKA特急至京都
6:11 22 Pieces Hotel
8:22 京都車站
10:07 伏見稻荷大社
25:53 稻荷周邊
30:03 京都車站美食街
35:01 燒肉弘


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