हाथों की झुर्रियां दूर करने का असरदार तरीका- How To Remove Wrinkles From Hands, Wrinkle Free Hands

Описание к видео हाथों की झुर्रियां दूर करने का असरदार तरीका- How To Remove Wrinkles From Hands, Wrinkle Free Hands

हाथों की झुर्रियां दूर करने का असरदार तरीका - How To Remove Wrinkles Of Hands With This Remedy

दोस्तों आज का हमारा वीडियो हाथों पे होने वाली झुर्रियों से कैसे छुटकारा पाएं इस पे है| उम्र बढ़ने के साथ हाथों पैरो की त्वचा ढीली और बेजान पड़ने लग जाती है| झुर्रियां बहुत ज्यादा दिखने लगती हैं| परन्तु आपको घबराने की जरुरत नहीं है| आज हम आपको बताएंगे कुछ ही दिन में हाथो की झुर्रियां दूर कर (remove wrinkles from hands) सॉफ्ट और सूंदर हाथ पाने का असरदार उपाय| अगर आप के हाथो पर कालापन जा हाथ कटे फटे हो गए है तो यह तरीका आप के लिए है | ( Hand wrinkles) दूर करने का सबसे अच्छा और तेज तरीका |

Hi everyone aaj mai is video hand softening cream banana sikha rahi hu, ye apke hatho ki jhrriya door karke unhe 10 sal javan banayegi

Do you suffer from dry hands? Do you want younger looking hands ? watch this video to know how to get extra soft and smooth hands. These home remedies helps to get baby soft hands in 1 day. It helps to removes wrinkles from hands and fingers easily. makes your hands look young. it also helps to treat rough hands and dry hands. it is important to take care of your hands to make them look younger. Exfoliating your hands once in a while is important, followed by using simple home made hand mask to make them soft and smooth.

Milk for soft hands - it will not only make your hands soft and smooth, but also helps with the problem of skin peeling on finger and hands. It will make your hands look glowing and fair. it helps to lighten dark hands and dark knuckles. To get fair hands use milk regularly.
Beason Mask (gram flour) - for extra smooth skin try banana & honey hand mask in winter to treat dry hands. you can also apply this mask on your face to remove wrinkles on your face, to get rid of laugh lines, fine lines and wrinkles on forehead.
Almond oil massage - Massage coconut oil on your hands to get rid of wrinkles and lines around your hands and fingers.

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हाथों की झुर्रियां दूर करने का असरदार तरीका- How To Remove Wrinkles From Hands, Get Wrinkle Free Hands in few days

Aaj aap ke sath share kyia hai hatho ko gora karne ka tarika,hatho ki juriya kaise kam kare,hath pair gora karne ke ghrelu nuskhe aap ko is remedy ko week mein 2 bar apply karna hai aap dekhege ki kuch he di o mein aap ke hath kitne soft ho gye hai.Hatho ki jhuriyan kaise dur kare, hatho ko gora karne ka tarika.


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