One Life to Live 12/4/1990

Описание к видео One Life to Live 12/4/1990

Kerry, Miles, and Yusef arrive at the studio for their first day at Fraternity Row Rika apologizes to Kerry and asks if they can talk somewhere privately, but Kerry says he’s very busy. Miles swoops in and says he’s got plenty of time for Rika. At the Palace restaurant, Jake meets with Alex and Bo, looking for legal advice to help Tina bar Carlo from her child’s life. He is distracted when he sees Hunter and Megan holding hands at another table. Tina tells Cord she’s going to move out of Llanfair and find an apartment nearby, to give Cord some space. Cord thinks she’s running away from her problems, but she says she’s trying to keep Carlo from invading everyone’s lives. At Max’s Place, Miles tells Rika that Kerry said she had a boyfriend and that’s why he’s stepping off, but Kerry’s sudden interruption of their coffee date belies that assertion. Kerry claims his anger has nothing to do with Miles and Rika having coffee and everything to do with Miles skipping out on their costume fitting. He tells Rika he didn’t mean to blow her off earlier and he was actually busy. Bo has to prevent Jake from storming over to Megan and Hunter’s table. He reassures Jake that while Megan and Hunter had a personal relationship in the past, their current entanglements are purely professional. Tina brings Cord along to look at an apartment. Cord finds multiple reasons to hate the place and suggests Tina should just stay at Llanfair (her and her sister’s rightful home). She says she needs space and Cord says she could at least have her space in a nicer apartment. Tina reminds him she gambled away all her money and can’t afford anything nicer. Cord offers to pay for a place, arguing that CJ is his responsibility and will be living with her. She says she can’t strike out on her own while her ex-husband is paying her bills, and before Cord can rebut that argument, Carlo arrives and agrees with Cord that this crummy apartment is no place for his future grandchild.

Jake speaks to the doctor who ran the blood tests for Cord’s insurance policy. Jake asks whether any vials of Cord’s blood went missing and the doctor assures him he’s never had a vial of blood go missing, but the nurse standing behind Jake seems less confident of that fact. After Jake leaves, the nurse confronts the doctor about lying, but reiterates that the missing blood sample was not Cord’s. Cord demands to know how Carlo found them. Carlo says he’s getting involved with real estate and just happened to be meeting with the building’s owner when Tina’s agent called to set up the appointment. Cord and Tina tell him to leave, and Carlo complies, but he warns he won’t back down from being a part of his grandchild’s life. Back at the studio, Megan is distracted and Hunterasks if she’s trying to ruin his movie. Jake tells Tina that Carlo has no right to see his grandchild and the only way he could gain custody would be by proving she is an unfit mother. Jake also tells he spoke to the insurance company doctor and he denied any blood was missing. Tina says Cord did get approved for the insurance, so they must have taken multiple vials. Jake says the doctor was obviously covering up something, because he was very nervous about all the questions. Tina thanks Jake for everything he’s done for her and says she hopes he and Megan get back together soon.


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