क्यों जेल में डाला? Nirmala Sitharaman के बयान पर Mallikarjun Kharge क्यों भड़के? Parliament live

Описание к видео क्यों जेल में डाला? Nirmala Sitharaman के बयान पर Mallikarjun Kharge क्यों भड़के? Parliament live


संसद में आज-    • Priyanka को बोलने से किसने रोका, Nirm...  

Kharge and Nirmala's Outbursts: What led to the intense exchange between Congress leader Mallikarjun Kharge and Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman? We break down the issue that ignited their tempers.
Priyanka Gandhi's Bag Controversy: A heated discussion unfolded over Priyanka Gandhi’s bag. What was the controversy, and why did it become a major talking point in Parliament?

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Produced By: The Lallantop
Edited By: Rahul


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