EpEver MT-50 Time/Date Setting

Описание к видео EpEver MT-50 Time/Date Setting

Looking at how to set the time and date on the EpEver MT-50 remote display.

00:58 Device Info
01:36 Device Parameters / Backlight / Time / Date

This procedure should apply to all the EpEver / EpSolar charge controllers that make use of the MT-50 remote display. I have one of these displays on my Tracer 4215BN controller as well as one on my Tracer 2210AN controller and it's the same process.

The time and date are set in the Device Parameter screen. This is where you can change the device ID number if using multiple controllers with the Solar Station Monitor PC software or EpEverApp.

To get to the time/date screen, go down one page, then hit OK, enter your password and then use the right arrow key to move the cursor. Use the up/down arrow keys to change any single field, left/right arrow to move to the next field and when done, hit the OK button, then OK to save the changes and the Esc to get back to the main menu.

I think you can also change the time/date from the Solar Station Monitor program. Select the controller, then the Parameter menu, then Device Parameters, then Real Time Clock.

Not sure if the EpEver App has the same feature.

Why worry about the time and date setting? For one thing, the energy logging feature relies on the time and date to record energy produced per day, month and year. I try to log the monthly DC load output every month on my controller. If you have a random time/date setting, those logs are worthless as the controller erases the monthly energy totals at 12:01AM on the first of the month per it's internal clock setting.

MT50 Remote Display:

I have the 4215BN (40A) and the Tracer 2210A (20A) controllers:
EpEver Solar Charge Controllers:

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Louisiana Fairytale by Austin Rogers


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