Albino Baby Elephant, Khanyisa Starts a Pool Party in the Dam! 💦

Описание к видео Albino Baby Elephant, Khanyisa Starts a Pool Party in the Dam! 💦

Khanyisa starts the scene splashing beside dominant bull, Sebakwe and exits the dam with the other elephants: Pisa, Limpopo, Kumbura and Lundi with bull, Zindoga joining the females on the shore.

Khanyisa takes a moment to bend down in the sand and let out a big sneeze before she decides she’s not done swimming yet and rushes back into the water! Limpopo and Timisa can’t let her do alone and soon rush after her. Zindoga later rests his trunk over little Timisa as he reaches over to Khanyisa, always the friendly young bull!

Kumbura and Zindoga then join the youngsters in the dam and soon all the elephants are submerged and lolling about happily in the refreshing water! It’s so beautiful to see the herd enjoying themselves in nature, including Kumbura who mostly puts her role as guardian and protector first!


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