Operation: Harsh Doorstop | Playtest | Early Access | GamePlay PC

Описание к видео Operation: Harsh Doorstop | Playtest | Early Access | GamePlay PC

Operation: Harsh Doorstop is a shooter sandbox with all the features a game should have. Single player missions, cooperative modes, multiplayer servers, and Steam workshop support. These things should be basic, and all games should have them. However, for some reason... games rarely do anymore. That is the reason we started this project.

How much does Operation: Harsh Doorstop cost?
Operation: Harsh Doorstop is a free game. Our community members can donate to help fund development, but we still believe in making our game freely accessible to everyone. Not only is this important to us as a statement against corporate greed, but we also feel that game communities are healthier (and larger) when games are more accessible.

Is this game a tactical shooter?
Operation: Harsh Doorstop has strong roots in tactical shooter games such as Project Reality, Squad, and Red Orchestra (including multiple developers from those projects who have also worked on this game) however Operation: Harsh Doorstop has a much stronger emphasis on mod-ability and flexibility (similar to games such as Arma.) Ultimately we encourage everyone to play the game as you'd prefer to play it, and we intend to continue implementing additional parameters that allow players to customize their experience to their own liking.

When will Operation: Harsh Doorstop be released?
Our planned launch into early access is currently in February of 2023, however supporters on Patreon can get access to the multiplayer version of the game immediately. Additionally, our free single player demo is also currently available. Both the multiplayer playtest and demo will be shut down after our launch into early access.

Thank you so much for following our project, and we hope to see you on the battlefield soon.


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