I Visited TOTAL CARDS LTD! Amazing TCG Shop!

Описание к видео I Visited TOTAL CARDS LTD! Amazing TCG Shop!

Hello everyone!

We are doing something a little different today! We visited total cards limited who are based in newton aycliffe in north east of England!

This shop is the best up north I am aware of unfortunately couldn’t get too much footage but tried to get enough to show you!

This place has TCG, comics, funko pops, gaming centre and much more man! This place is 🔥

Also for all you Pokémon lovers they accept bulk submissions as you will see in the video that you can trade in for store credit or cash!

Myself I go for store credit so we can get more products to crack on the channel!

Much love to ‪@TotalCards‬ and there hospitality! If you haven’t checked out there YouTube channel go and check them out! Check out there website! If you get chance visit the shop man/gaming centre all the staff are super nice and super friendly

10/10 TCG store and gaming centre!


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