International Business studeren | Opleidingspresentatie - De Haagse Hogeschool

Описание к видео International Business studeren | Opleidingspresentatie - De Haagse Hogeschool

Met onze HBO opleiding International Business ben je goed voorbereid op de toekomst. Heb jij interesse in deze opleiding? 4-jarig of 3-jarig. Engelstalige opleiding. Erkende kwaliteit. In deze opleidingsfilm vertellen we je alles over deze HBO-opleiding aan De Haagse Hogeschool.

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Interested in our International Business programme? Go to:

00:00 Introduction International Business
00:40 Why The Hague University?
02:03 Our curriculum
03:20 Student Experience
06:55 Our program
09:25 The curriculum
10:10 Specializations
11:15 Student Experience
16:10 Frequently asked questions about our curriculum
17:00 Studying abroad
18:40 Internships
19:45 Student Experience
26:29 On Graduation
27:00 Is this the right course for you?
28:20 Contact us


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