Malden Islands War 1985 - Every Day (Operation Flashpoint: CWC/Arma: CWA) [UPDATED VERSION]

Описание к видео Malden Islands War 1985 - Every Day (Operation Flashpoint: CWC/Arma: CWA) [UPDATED VERSION]

Took me a while...
This version is a bit faster than the old one(almost 2x) but I preferred that over what I felt was unnecessarily long, lasting 3 minutes for a war of 68 days.

I added some things I missed - a particular bit is only mentioned once over the radio during a mission, or another one is mentioned in a diary entry before the mission starts.

Also I decided that I'd rather have the video a bit stretched than have the black bars on the sides.

I extended the war by a day as to include the events of the last mission of the Red Hammer campaign(the date in the loading screen says it takes place a day before the last mission of the regular campaign but it's made very clear that it takes place after). Speaking of Red Hammer, some missions were ignored altogether because I was mainly following the US campaign and only using the Soviet one to fill in the blanks. It generally had a lot of inconsistencies(because it's made by a different developer) so missions like Tank Rescue, Picking Up the Pieces, Alamo and a few others couldn't be implemented to work properly with the rest.

Note that it's impossible to do this 100% accurately. There is plenty of info missing and a lot of this is just making assumptions as to what would happen. I used the editor a lot to check the missions and often if there was even a single soldier in an area during a mission I would mark that area as controlled by that side.

The maps are custom made by me and I can supply you with a link if needed.


1. Dark Side
2. Decisions
3. Suppression

All from the game's soundtrack.

Sahrani War here we come(it literally lasts 6 days what the hell. also does anyone know in which year it takes place)


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