Dish Em Out Board Game Review (Simply Fun Games 2020) + How To Play

Описание к видео Dish Em Out Board Game Review (Simply Fun Games 2020) + How To Play

Rival diner owners are under pressure to cook breakfast for their customers as quickly as possible. As some foods take longer to cook, you will need to plan ahead so the entire order is ready to serve at the same time. Players receive points for each successfully completed order and lose points for wasted food and incomplete or incorrect orders. The player with the most points when the flow of customers runs out is the winner.

Each player chooses one diner board and places it in front of them.

Sort and place the food tiles and penalty tokens into each slot of the kitchen caddy.

Shuffle the customer order cards. Based on the amount of players, remove the number of cards needed and place the remaining cards back in the box (see chart at right).

The first person to shout out what they ate for breakfast will deal first. Give them the chef’s spoon and cards.

How to Play
This game is played in rounds. Each round consists of the following actions:
1. Dealer assigns customer order cards.
2. All players select food tiles.
3. All players cook food items.
4. All players serve their customers, if they are able.


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