Moments standardized variables Sheppard,s correction | moment ratios Statistics Ch# 4 Lec 14

Описание к видео Moments standardized variables Sheppard,s correction | moment ratios Statistics Ch# 4 Lec 14

Moments standardized variables sheppard,s correction | moment ratios

in this video i explain briefly all the topics related to Mean Deviation in measures of dispersion coefficient of mean deviation , mean deviation for grouped data , mean deviation for ungrouped data , mean deviation advantages and disadvantages

Related topics mean deviation variance and standard deviation measures of dispersion moments and skewness , range , quartile deviation

Bsc statistics chapter 4 All topics
1 - Measure of dispersion moments and skewness
2 - Range With Example And definition
3 - Quartile deviation Bsc Statistics
4 - Mean Deviation in measures of dispersion

5 - Mean Deviation for Frequency Distribution
6 - Variance and standard deviation

7 - Change of origin and scale and short method for variance and standard deviation
8 - Variance and standard deviation for grouped data

9 - Coefficient of variance
10 - Coefficient of variation for grouped data
11 - Properties of Variance & standard deviation

12 - Proof of combine mean and variance
13 - Describing frequency distribution

I am here to teach you the most important subject of your course that is statistics. I hope you will love to my content and i am hopeful and try to present myself in front of you
BSC Statistics Part 1 Chapter 4 All topics

Chapter 3 All topics

Mode For Grouped data & un grouped data

Quartiles deciles and percentiles
   • Quartiles deciles and percentiles  St...  

median, median of group data | Median in frequency data
   • Median, median of group data | Median...  

Harmonic Mean | Harmonic Formula
   • Harmonic Mean | Harmonic Formula  Sta...  

Geometric mean
   • Geometric mean  for group data  BSC S...  

Change of Origin and Scale
   • Change of Origin and Scale | BSC Stat...  

Properties of arthematic mean Statistics
   • Properties of arthematic mean Statist...  

Explanation of arithematic mean for grouped and ungrouped data
   • Explanation of arithematic mean for g...  

Chapter 2 all topics

Explanation of arithematic mean for grouped and ungrouped data

Measure of central tendency arithmetic mean
Categories of Graphs | Histogram and Frequency Distribution

Graphs and its types Historigram

aims of classification
basic principles of classification

presentation of data

main parts of table
box head
culumn captions
foot notes
source note
graf nots
foot notes
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