You can find the Coolest Pool toy and game on Amazon here: https://linktw.in/PqhKxj

Okay, so this is the watermelon ball, the original pool toy for kids. This is appropriate for ages 8 to 12. This is the 9 inch pool ball. Now this can also be for teens, adults, and a family game. This is considered a pool toy. It's a fun swimming pool game. You can do water football, tag, diving, and beach ball play. So it's going to come with this little nozzle here.
You're going to hook it up to your hose. You're going to insert it into the hole into your watermelon ball. Then you're going to go ahead and fill up. up the ball with your hose water. Now this I'm going to speed it up but it roughly took just under two minutes to fully fill this ball.
Now to test it to make sure you have it the right way you want to put it in the water and it should submerge into water but then bounce back up and we did this perfectly. It's going to come with an extra little needle and that one's going to help you get the air in it if you need to add more.
more air and if you've put too much water in it and it's not floating all the way to the top then go ahead and put some air in it and then even it out. What's fun about this and the rules in the game, you cannot throw the ball above water.
You need to throw it underwater to your teammates and you want to get to the opposing side's goal. Now this is when you can start keeping points. If you have enough players to do like a tag football.
Now if you don't this is also a really fun ball can toss it underwater you can make games with kids if you have just one child and you can see how long they can swim across from side to side with it I mean you can do so many things with this ball

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