What if we could make HPGR technology even more efficient?

Описание к видео What if we could make HPGR technology even more efficient?

Enabling technologies for more sustainable mining are already at our disposal, but their adoption often falls short of our ambitions. It's crucial to accelerate this transition to achieve our global sustainability goals. What improvements can you implement to make your operations more sustainable? What’s holding you back?

Learn more about the HPGR Pro here:

Video references:

Rabago K.R., Lovins A.B., Feiler T.E., 2001. Energy and Sustainable Development in the Mining and Minerals Industries, Rocky Mountain Institute, Colorado, USA.

Aramendia E., Brockway P.E., Taylor P.G., Norman J., 2023. Global energy consumption of the mineral mining industry: Exploring the historical perspective and future pathways to 2060, University of Leeds, UK [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science...].

Holmberg k., Kivikyto-Reponen P., Harkisaari P., Valtonen K., Erdemir A., 2017. Global Energy Consumption due to Friction and Wear in the Mining Industry, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Tampere University of Technology, Argonne National Laboratory [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science...].

IEA, 2023. World Energy Outlook 2023 - Extended Dataset [https://www.iea.org/data-and-statisti...].

US EPA, 2024. Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator | US EPA [https://www.epa.gov/energy/greenhouse...].


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