Salabhasana, a simple Yoga posture

Описание к видео Salabhasana, a simple Yoga posture

Salabhasana, is a simple back-bend posture in Yogasana. The name ‘Salabhasana’ is derived from the Sanskrit word Salabha which means Grasshopper or Cricket.

Lie on your abdomen with your chin touching the floor. Place your hands under the thighs. Keeping the hands beneath the body and chin pushed forward, inhale and raise your legs as high as possible. Hold this position for five seconds in the beginning and increase it up to thirty seconds. Exhale and bring down both the legs slowly and relax.

The Asana is good for the muscles and nerves of the shoulder and neck. This asana helps to strengthen the abdominal walls. Salabhasana can improve the process of digestion also.

Yoga Demonstration by: Gayatri Srinivasan

Note: – Supervision of an Experienced Yoga instructor is highly recommended for learning Yoga.

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