The Energies of Avalon - The 9th Global Stargate Circle

Описание к видео The Energies of Avalon - The 9th Global Stargate Circle

As we travel in Europe we have realized that there has been a quantum leap in the Stargate energies!
Our next destination is Glastonbury, and we would like to share with you a free livestream from there. Experience the amazing energetics of the Druids, the priestesses of Avalon, and the energies of the Essenes (who created the very first church in England there).

Sign up for the full Glastonbury livestream experience here:

We will be joined by Eugenia Alves, who is deeply connected to both the Essenes and Avalon, and the energies that she shares during the meditation are heart & consciousness-expanding.
This is going to be a super powerful energy transmission from one of the most exquisite interdimensional mystery schools on (or above) the planet :-)

Book mentioned:
France: The Secret Knowledge of Mary Magdalene, The Cathars, Templars and Avalon by Judith Ksel

If you would like music during the meditation, follow this link:

Then adjust the music volume by hovering over the music icon and dragging the slider.

This is the monthly meeting of our Global Stargate Circles.
The Stargate offers channeled information, deep meditations, and experiences to assist you to evolve on all levels, to support you, to uplift you so that you can navigate the choas in the world today to assist you in connecting with like minded people.
Feel the potential of discovering close friendships, elevated consciousness through the Stargate meditations and connections on a heart level, a caring level, that are beyond that which you find in most of our worlds today.
Come join us for an experience - there is nothing to do, just relaxing. Allow for the possibility that you can move into wats of experiencing that you have never even imagined.
Allow your personal evolution to flow with ease and grace. It's possible. It is possible. It is simple. It is time.

All audios of the Global Stargate Circles are available on our Soundcloud channel, where you can also download them and listen offline! Check them here:   / global-stargate-circles  


The Stargate Experience will introduce you to a totally new way of evolving your consciousness through guided meditations. There’s nothing to do, this process is effortless. Just relax into the high vibrational energy fields created by the Stargate and allow your Superconsciousness to elevate your human experience.

Find more free experiences on our free private online community platform Stargate Circles. It’s the place to share, connect, meditate and make new friends and you are so welcome!

Check out our website, where you will find all our upcoming events and in-depth programs: https://www.thestargateexperienceacad...


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