The Abode of the Jackal: Gurganj (Genghis Khan's Conquest of the Khwarezm Empire)

Описание к видео The Abode of the Jackal: Gurganj (Genghis Khan's Conquest of the Khwarezm Empire)

Correction: Ala-Al Din had the beards of the Mongol emissaries burnt off and not their heads. Sorry for the confusion.

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Series Producer: Alex Nilsson
Written by: Sean Chick
Narrated by: Daniel Chick

Genghis Khan invades the Khwarezm Empire and topples a proud Muslim Dynasty. The invasion becomes a bloodbath of executions and massacres.

Atwood, Christopher. “Jochi and the Early Campaigns.” in How Mongolia Matters: War, Law, and Society, edited by Morris Rossabi. Brill's Inner Asian Library, (2017) 35-56.

Biran, Michal. The Empire of Qara Khitai in Eurasian History: between China and the Islamic World. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005.

May, Timothy. The Mongol Art of War: Chinggis Khan and the Mongol Military System. Yardley, PA: Westholme Publishing, 2007.

May, Timothy. The Mongol Empire: Chinggis Khan and the Mongol Military System. Yardley, PA: Westholme Publishing, 2007.

Juzjani. Ṭabaḳāt-i-Nāṣirï: A General History of the Muhammadan Dynasties of Asia. Vol. I. Translated by H.G Raverty. London: Gilbert & Rivington, 1881.

Juvaini, Ala-ad-Din ‘Ata-Malik. The History of the World-Conqueror. Vol. I. Translated by John Andrew Boyle. Harvard: Harvard University Press, 1958.

Timokhin, Dmitry. “The Conquest of Khwarezm by Mongol Troops (1219-1221).” in The Golden Horde in World History, 75-86. Tartaria Magna Series. Kazan: Sh. Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, 2017.

Rickard, J. (1 September 2010), Siege of Urganch, Spring 1379,

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Forgotten Battles highlights and tell the stories of battles in history that played a major role in the unfolding story of humanity. Many of the battles featured in this series are not as well known as they should be and many deserve more attention, and in some cases, re-interpretation.

#Genghis Khan​ #IslamicHistory​ #Mongols


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