God had it planned all along | Don't miss the Father by denying the Son

Описание к видео God had it planned all along | Don't miss the Father by denying the Son

God created humans in His image, to know Him, to love Him and most importantly to be Loved by Him. We chose another route and opened the door to death. It may seem honorable to say, "No thank you, I'm going to make the payment for my own sin". But in reality, a good work doesn't wash out a sinful nature. A new nature is the only way to be sinless before my Father in Heaven. And we cannot give ourselves a new nature. The new nature comes by new life, and the payment for that new life requires the death and destruction of our old nature. Thus, you have Jesus and the cross. Death on the cross was the payment. Resurrection from the dead was the proof. Jesus, God in the Flesh, God among us, made a claim, He was sent by the Father to set the captives free. To save people from their sin. And He was going to prove His power by His works to the grave and stepping out of the grave by no other power but His own. Because He is God.


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