A Century of Tradition: How We Raise Premium Grass-Fed, Grain-Finished Beef in Texas

Описание к видео A Century of Tradition: How We Raise Premium Grass-Fed, Grain-Finished Beef in Texas

Welcome to our century-old, 4th generation family cattle ranch in Springtown, Texas. In this episode, we pull back the curtain to reveal our unique process of raising high-quality, grass-fed, grain-finished beef. See firsthand how we humanely treat our cattle, providing them with the best life possible right here on our land. Learn about our unwavering commitment to quality, sustainability, and ethical farming practices that have been passed down through generations. Get a glimpse into a day in our life, understand our legacy, and join us on this journey from our ranch to your table with our new online beef company. We're more than just ranchers; we're custodians of tradition and providers of wholesome, Texas-raised beef. Don't forget to subscribe and follow our journey!

We are a 4th generation cattle ranch building a direct to community beef company! Check us out at www.ParkerCountyBeefCompany.com #beef #ParkerCountyBeef #eatbeef #QualityBeef #Localbeef #UpgradeYourBeef #BetterBeef #EatLocal #LocalIsBetter #QualityFood #TexasBeef #Farm #Ranch #FarmTok #RanchTok #Ranching #Cow #Cows #Cattle Check out our farm to table beef at www.ParkerCountyBeefCompany.com Shop Our Farm to Table Beef at www.ParkerCountyBeefCompany.com


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