wowaka: Unhappy Refrain (Album Review 6)

Описание к видео wowaka: Unhappy Refrain (Album Review 6)

The Vocaloid Scene would NOT be the same it is today without wowaka and his contributions. R.I.P.. Talented Artist with their own sound. Tons of classics for a debut "album", but not without a couple flops (but it's hard, almost unfair to compare some of the songs to the others). It's on both ends of the spectrum. While the songs that are simply just ok are, well just ok, the songs that are good are PHENOMINAL and are still considered Classics today, more then 10 years after, so it more then balances out. You will surely be missed, wowaka. (hopefully my near 30 minute video compensated for my lack of uploads this week)

wowaka: Unhappy Refrain - 7/10
Standout Tracks are: Unhappy Refrain, Rolling Girl, Standing In Your Way, Lineart, Two-Faced Lovers, Unknown Mother Goose.


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